We vet Engineers, you hire them! Rocket Specialize in React, React Native or Node and seeking remote contract roles? We're now hiring worldwide.
Who we are
G2i is a hiring platform for engineers by engineers. Our vision is for the hiring process to be simple, trustworthy and enjoyable for both companies and engineers.
Our mission is to create a vetting process where:
- Engineers will vet other engineers
- Engineer vetting will be as close to on-the-job requirements as possible
- The vetting process will be objective, repeatable and quantitatively scored
- The process will be transparent. We will provide the engineer's code, our code review and technical interview notes in full to our clients.
Why us?
Because G2i is at the forefront of the Developer Health movement. We’re a company that believes in maintaining a good work-life balance, and we act on those beliefs in several ways:
- A 4-day workweek when not on client projects (please ask us for more information)
- Burnout prevention and recovery curricula that help people stay happy, healthy, productive, and sane,
- A 21st century approach to employee wellness e.g. with neurofeedback,
- The Developer Health Fund that helps cover developers’ burnout prevention and recovery expenses.
In other words, we’re literally writing the book on Developer Health with our Restful Work OS.
Moreover, we vet our clients for their working practices. We do not work with companies that go against our philosophy.
Our benefits
- 100% remote
- Work from (almost) anywhere
- 21 days of PTO
- Paid US holidays off
- Paid Christmas break (December 24 - January 1)
- 32h work week while not working on a client project
- We strive to convince clients to switch to 32h as well, but this is not guaranteed
Open positions
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