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The best talent wants a great work-life balance... and you offer it. Start your hiring today (starting from $199).

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How many hours is the candidate expected to work in a typical week?


Enter the location as free text. Some examples could be '100% remote', 'Amsterdam', 'USA only' etc

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How many paid vacation days off (including public / bank holidays) do employees get?

You can include more details about your vacation policy here.

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The #1 job board for jobs with a better work-life balance.

Embrace your hiring superpower.

Psst... work-life balance is now as important as pay for today's workforce.

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"Just to let you know we hired a Solutions Engineer via 4dayweek - I've never used a board that performs as well as yours does!"

Jenna, Senior Recruiter at PDQ

"We've used many job sites over the past 5 years. has consistently provided high quality applicants with lower noise than other sites, all for a very good value. Would highly recommend."

Paul, Founder at Uplift
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