Think Productive
Inspiring and equipping people & organisations to transform work for the better.
Who we are
Think Productive is a global organisation that offers practical support to organisations that want to increase productivity.
We help employees to beat stress, feel more in control and develop playful, productive momentum, through our in-house workshops and at-desk coaching sessions.
Our values
- Psychology before Technology
- Human, not Superhero
- We Walk Our Talk
- Trust and Kindness are our Rocketfuel
- We’re a not-just-for-profit company
Our 4 day work week
Since November 2011, our UK team have worked to a 4 Day Week (4DW).
At that time, we were one of only a handful of companies in the world to consciously ditch the 5-day work week in favour of a permanent 3-day weekend.
We didn’t cut holidays. We didn’t cut pay. We still ask everyone to work one Friday in every four. and it also gives us a nice secret “overflow” day with no meetings to catch up on project work.
Open positions
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