Texas 4-Day Work Week Model - A Comprehensive Analysis

Explore Texas 4-Day Work Week Model: Bill Details & Texas Successful Companies Case Studies. Dive into Comprehensive Analysis.

Texas 4-Day Work Week Model - A Comprehensive Analysis

Almost 81% of employees prefer a 4-day work week because it promises an enhanced work-life balance, an extra day for personal pursuits, and a much-needed break to recharge.

But wait, it's not only beneficial for the workforce; businesses could also see a productivity boom, with 77% of employees feeling more productive during a 4-day workweek.

With such compelling advantages, various regions are considering adopting a 4-day workweek model, with Texas at the forefront of this shorter workweek revolution.

In this blog, we will explore the Texas 4-Day Work Week Model. So, let’s get started!

A Brief Overview of 4-Day Work Week in Texas


The 4-day workweek concept in Texas primarily revolves around the education sector, specifically within public schools. It shifts the traditional five-day school week to a condensed four-day schedule, meaning schools are in session from Monday to Thursday, with Friday being a day off. While the working days are reduced, the federal minimum wage remains the same for both part-time and full-time employees.

Moreover, the primary motivators for this shift include addressing teacher shortages, reducing operational costs, and improving teacher and student morale.

For instance, Chico Independent School District, facing declining enrollment and workforce issues, adopted the four-day week model as a creative solution​​. Despite reducing working days, employees are still entitled to the federal minimum wage, ensuring fair compensation in line with federal and state laws.

What’s the Texas 4-Day Work Week Bill?

The Texas 4-Day Work Week Bill, also known as Senate Bill 2368, is a legislative proposal aimed at mandating a return to five-day school weeks for public school districts across Texas.

This bill, introduced by State Senator Donna Campbell, addresses concerns about the potential impact of reduced school days on students' academic progress while ensuring compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Key Features

The key features of Texas's 4-day week are as follows:

  • Reinstatement of Five-Day Weeks: The bill mandates a return to the traditional five-day school week, moving away from the four-day models adopted by some districts.
  • Minimum Instructional Days: Schools must have at least 175 instructional days a year, ensuring compliance with federal law.
  • Instructional Minutes: The bill specifies a minimum of 75,600 minutes to be allocated to instruction, intermissions, and recesses for students.
  • Flexibility for Extreme Conditions: The Commissioner of Education can approve fewer instructional days or minutes in extreme weather conditions leading to school closures.
  • Approval Status: Senate Bill 2368 is still in the committee stage and has not yet been passed into Texas labor laws.

Case Studies of Companies Implementing the 4-Day Work Week in Texas

1. Own the Grill

Own the Grill

Own the Grill is a publishing company headquartered in Austin, Texas, specializing in barbecuing content. The company is led by CEO Jimmy Watts and comprises a team of 12 employees. In a bold move to enhance productivity and improve work-life balance, this firm has recently adopted a four-day workweek model.


Here's what Own the Grill experienced during a 4-day week:

  • Enhanced Employee Well-being: The introduction of a four-day workweek has improved employee well-being. With an extra day off each week, employees have reported feeling less exhausted and more refreshed.
  • Increased Focus and Productivity: Full-time workers have experienced increased focus and productivity during workdays. They are better able to concentrate on tasks, resulting in higher-quality work.
  • Lower Turnover Rate: The improved work-life balance has contributed to a reduced turnover rate. Employees are more satisfied with their job, leading to higher retention.
  • Positive Feedback from Employees: Employees have provided positive feedback about the change in weekly full-time hours, expressing appreciation for the additional leisure time and reduced stress levels.

2. Swash Labs

Swash Labs

Swash Labs, a creative and digital advertising agency based in Texas, implemented a four-day workweek (32 hours) in January 2023. The new workweek structure included staggered schedules to ensure that the agency would remain operational from Monday to Friday.

This significant shift was undertaken to assess its impact on employee well-being, productivity, and overall work-life balance.


The results of the 4-day week pilot are as follows:

  • Enhanced Work-Life Balance: The switch to a 4-day workweek has allowed employees to enjoy more regularly scheduled personal time. This, in turn, contributes significantly to their work-life balance.
  • Increased Job Satisfaction: Most Swash Labs' staff members reported high levels of job satisfaction with the new schedule. They appreciated the opportunity to recharge over extended weekends, which contributed to reduced stress and the elimination of the dreaded "Sunday scaries."
  • Ease of Adjustment: Employees reported that, over time, they adapted well to the four-day workweek. The initial challenges of adjusting to the compressed work schedule became less pronounced as they settled into the new routine.

3. Covert Marketing

Covert Marketing

Covert Marketing, a search engine optimization (SEO) company based in Houston, Texas, introduced a four-day workweek for its employees in September 2023. Under this new schedule, employees work from Monday through Thursday, with each workday extended to nine hours per week, resulting in a 36-hour workweek.


These milestones were achieved as follows:

  • Improved Task Completion: Founder Gregory Melon conducted surveys with his staff before and after the trial period of the four-day workweek. The results showed a 14% increase in on-time task completion, suggesting that the compressed work schedule did not compromise productivity.
  • Enhanced Work-Life Balance: Employees reported a significant 17% increase in work-life balance. The new schedule allowed them more time for personal activities and relaxation, contributing to reduced stress and improved well-being.
  • Increased Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction among Covert Marketing's staff rose by 21%. Employees appreciated the shorter workweek, which alleviated feelings of overwork, stress, and burnout.

What to Expect in Upcoming Years?

The Texas 4-Day Work Week model is an innovative approach to redefining the traditional work structure, aiming to enhance productivity, work-life balance, and employee satisfaction.

As we look toward the upcoming years, several vital expectations and trends emerge, shaping the landscape of this transformative work model:

  • Shift in Corporate Culture and Values: Implementing a four-day workweek signals a shift towards valuing productivity over hours spent in the office. This could foster a culture of trust and autonomy, encouraging full-time workers to manage their time and responsibilities more effectively.
  • Regulatory and Policy Changes in Texas Law: As the four-day workweek gains traction, it may prompt legislative and federal law considerations, ranging from federal to labor laws, to accommodate and regulate this new working model.
  • Technological Advancements: To support a shorter workweek, companies may invest in technologies that enhance efficiency and enable remote work. As a result, it will further transform traditional office environments and work practices.
  • Challenges and Adaptations: While transitioning to a four-day workweek offers numerous benefits, it presents challenges such as full-time employment workload management, customer service continuity, and sector-specific feasibility. Companies and industries must innovate and adapt to these pros and cons of a 4-day work week to make their transition successful.

Wrapping Up

To wrap it up, the Texas 4-Day Work Week Model embodies a transformative approach to work-life balance, productivity, and operational efficiency without reducing the Texas minimum wage. The success of this model in Texas could serve as a valuable blueprint for other regions contemplating similar shifts.

For those seeking opportunities that align with this modern approach to work, 4dayweek.io offers a valuable resource. Our platform specializes in connecting job seekers with employers who are embracing flexible work schedules.

Whether you are in Texas or beyond, exploring job opportunities through 4dayweek.io could be the first step towards improving your work life.